Turnkey solar Projects is now Powerwin’s forte with more than 150 MW Ground Mount Grid Tied Solar Power Plants/Projects successfully commissioned.
We undertake project and offer end to end solutions, right from initial feasibility studies, to project design, to making all the equipment/material available, to installation, commissioning and operation and maintenance, as per the clients’ specific needs. From grid connected systems, to stand alone off grid systems, the entire gamut of solar power plant installation, power generation and (localised, if off grid) distribution/deliverance fall into our scope of expertise.
Powerwin has experience and capability to take complete turkey power plant projects from concept to Installation. Powerwin carries out Grid connected & Roof top\Stand-alone Solar power plant Projects.
Powerwin provides project End to End solutions in developing Solar Power Plants as below:
☛ Initial project feasibility assessment
☛ Project Design Documents (PDD) and obtaining the requisite approvals from
the government.
☛ Technology selection, Project Engineering, Implementation & Erection.
☛ Complete Generation monitoring system to verify the Units being generated
☛ Solar panel, Inverters, Electronics, Safety and Monitoring System procurement.
☛ Complete system implementation on site.
☛ Up-to 25 years maintenance contract.

1. Proposal
2. Background
3. Scope Of work
3.1 Solar Power Plant Planning, Conceptualization and documentation
a) Preparation of Bankable DPR
b) Technology Selection
c) Legal Advisory for Approval
a) Construction Management
b) Solar Module Transport Management
c) Structures for modules with the general conditions
d) Service Station for Invertors, Transformers, & Metering/Safety System
e) Security and protection system
f) Earth Moving Works
g) Electrical Installation of solar generator
h) Earthing/Grounding of solar generator
i) Installation of inverters and AC-cables from inverters to transformer
j) Transformers, metering, safety system and switch board medium voltage.
k) Lightning protection for service station
l) Site facilities

☛ This proposal is prepared by Powerwin for project host for providing consultancy services for procuring of and / or identification /development/ implementation of said solar PV power project behalf of project host. This offer has been created for single solar PV power project but can be duplicated with all its terms and conditions to other solar PV projects of same host.
☛ Powerwin is working in the field of Manufacturing, Research & Development in Energy Saving Devices, Consulting in Energy Conservation and Green energy project development.
☛ Powerwin work with some of the world’s, leading technical, environmental, energy and climate change organizations to provide our project partners with, a single source solution. As A consultant we will carry out all the below procedures on behalf of the project owner. We will provide the detail technical & financial consultations for the said project. We add value by committing to provide long term monitoring and reporting support to the project host.
☛ Solar Power Plant Planning, Conceptualization and documentation
☛ Erection and Commissioning.
☛ Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Services
- a) Preparation of Bankable DPR:
Powerwin prepares the detailed project report which includes the following
minimum deliverables:
☛ Site Study and Solar Resource Assessment Studies and Energy Yield
Calculations for selected location and expected power load factor.
☛ Technology, Assessment & Recommendation suitable for selected land.
☛ Technology/site specific feasibility
☛ Bankable Project Report with project cost Estimates, BOM, Layout Drawing
and Schematics, Financing Pattern and Financial Analysis, Projected
generation, calculation of tariff as per guidelines.
☛ Project phases incl. recommendation on installation of Solar Power Plant
at the same site & the appropriate timeframes to do.
☛ Project Implementation Plan
☛ Risk Factors and suggested Mitigation
☛ Clean Development Benefit Analysis
☛ Powerwin also provides assistance in site selection and in processes
involved in approval of DPR.
- b) Technology Selection:
Powerwin assist client in the process of selection of appropriate solar
technology & technology provider. We shall negotiate/assist in negotiations
with the technology manufactures on behalf of the client.
- c) Legal Advisory for Approvals:
Powerwin assist client by providing legal & documental support to facilitate the
process of getting government approvals required for the commissioning of the
project. Some of the approvals required are,
☛ Approval from Central Regulatory Authority*
☛ Approval from Forest Department*
☛ Approval from Pollution Control board*
☛ Approval from Industries departmental*
☛ Approval from Irrigation department*
☛ Approval from wildlife department*
☛ Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)*
☛ Any other approval necessary for the commissioning of the project
a) Construction Management:
As an EPC contractor & consultant, Powerwin provides following services;
☛ Construction management and planning for all materials and works
delivered or executed by Subcontractor
☛ Project management, general supervision
b) Solar Module Transport Management:
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin
☛ Receiving and unloading of Modules
☛ Visual Quality Check and comparison of modules with delivery note.
☛ Storage of modules (temporary) with appropriate protection against
weather impacts, damage and theft (e.g. lockable containers or
lockable tents).
☛ Transportation from (temporary) storage to site/point of installation.
c) Structures for modules with the general conditions
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin
☛ Evaluation of soil/ground: The ground/soil must be prepared to endure
transport of all components (modules, structure, connection boxes, etc.)
to the installation point on site. The ground/soil must withstand the loads
of wind and the weight of structures (incl. modules and other
☛ Preparation of the soil/ground on site with all necessary works like
earthmoving, digging holes for the foundations/pilings and levelling.
☛ Surveying of structures for the modules and calibration and pitching
for the foundations/pilings of the structures.
☛ Delivery and/or manufacturing of foundations/pilings for the structures on
site including all necessary material and works. The foundations/pilings
must fulfil all necessary regulations and norms and be according to
calculations by static expert.
☛ Installation and calibration of structures including all necessary material
and works. The structures must fulfil all necessary regulations and norms
and calculations of static expert as well as requirements of manufacturer.
Installation on prepared foundations/pilings. Minimum quality of structure:
hot galvanized steel
☛ Installation of modules on prepared structures including all necessary
material and works specially the system for clamping/fixing the modules
on the structures. In case the materials of module frames and structures
are different (e.g. aluminium and galvanized steel) there must be installed
an intermediate layer (e.g. EPDM-rubber) which will come at extra cost.
☛ Reconstruction/Regeneration of site. Dispose or recycle surplus soil
material and dispose waste material including all necessary material and
☛ Provide and deliver a certified/approved statistics for the structure
including all fixings and fundaments according regulations and norms of
the Country
d) Service Station for Invertors, Transformers & Metering/Safety System
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Planning, delivery and installation of the service stations for inverters,
transformers and switchboards including all installation for appropriate
ventilation/climating and electrification with lights, plugs, auxiliary supply,
etc. of the stations. Including all necessary material and works.
☛ The station will fulfil all necessary regulations, norms and special
specifications of the utility company. (The Details have to be defined by
the client and the utility company).
e) Security and protection system
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Delivery and installation of a fence around the site of the power plant
including all necessary material and works. The fence will be as per the
Client’s specifications.*
☛ Delivery and installation of security system for the power plant including all
necessary material and works. The security system must fulfill all necessary
regulations, norms and as well specifications due to insurance necessities.
f) Earth Moving Works
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Installation and laying of DC-Main-Cables from connection boxes to main
junction boxes and to inverters, including earth moving work due to
national regulations and norms, including all necessary material and works
g) Electrical Installation of solar generator
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin;
☛ Connection of modules to strings, including all necessary material and
☛ Installation of connection boxes at the metal structure, including all
necessary material and works.
☛ Installation of main junction boxes in the service station, including all
necessary material and works.
☛ Delivery, installation and connection in the connection boxes of Cables
(or similar) for the module strings, including all necessary material and
☛ Delivery, installation and connection in between the connection boxes
with Cables NYY (or similar) including all necessary material and works.
(The specification of the cables will be defined by Technology Provider)
☛ Delivery, installation and connection between the connection boxes
and main junction boxes and the inverters of Cables NYY (or similar)
including all necessary material and works. (The specification of the
cables have to be defined by Subcontractor and Technology Provider)
☛ Delivery and installation of Cable Conduits/Cable Channel with cover at
metal structure including all necessary material and works.
h) Earthing/Grounding of solar generator
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Delivery, installation and connection for the ear thing/grounding of solar
inverter (modules, structures, cable channels and connection boxes)
including all necessary material and works.
i) Installation of inverters and AC-cables from inverters to transformer This
includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Receiving and unloading of inverters.
☛ Visual Quality Check and inspection of inverters.
☛ Transportation to service station with appropriate vehicles (e.g. fork lift
truck) and installation & Commissioning.
☛ Delivery, installation and connection between the inverters and
transformers of Cables incl. all necessary material and works.
☛ Delivery, installation and connection of remote monitoring system
including all necessary material and works.
j) Transformers, metering, safety system & switch board medium voltage
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Delivery, installation and connection of transformers for medium voltage,
metering and safety system as well as switch board for medium voltage
level including all necessary material and works.
☛ Delivery, installation and connection of a low voltage connection point,
metering and safety system for auxiliary power (e.g. for the inverters, lights,
sockets, etc.) including all necessary material and works.
k) Lightning protection for service station
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Delivery, installation and connection of lightning arresters for the service
l) Site facilities
This includes following services will be delivered by Powerwin,
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of office for project management/site
management with all installation like electricity, light, telephone/fax, etc.
including all necessary material and works
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of containers for the
construction team including all necessary material and works.
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of storage facilities for all
components, material and tools, etc. including all necessary material and
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of containers with bathroom/ lavatory
facilities including all necessary material and works.
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of temporary power generator for
electricity on site. Including all necessary material and works
☛ Delivery, installation and operation of containers for the collection of
waste. Including all necessary material and works
Powerwin would be the CDM consultant for the project. As a CDM consultant,
we provides following services,
☛ Initial Assessment services that include an assessment of the project
Additionally, baseline scenario,
☛ An estimate of the Emission Reductions volume;
☛ Preparation of a Project Idea Note (PIN)
☛ Preparation of either (1) the Programme of Activities Design Document
(POA- DD) and CDM Programme Activity Design Document (CPA-DD) for
Registration purposes according to the guidelines of the p-CDM
(programmatic CDM) or (2) the Project Design Document (PDD) for
Registration purposes according to the guidelines of the CDM (the
choice shall depend on the outcome of the initial assessment);
☛ Support during the third-party validation including communications with
the validator and a site-visit;
☛ Organization of an on-site stakeholder consultation in accordance with
the CDM guidelines;
☛ Preparation of approval by the Host Country Designated National
Authority (DNA), including preparation of the Host Country PDD or POADD and CPA- DD and support of the submission process with the Host
Country DNA; *
☛ Support for the annual monitoring of emission reductions by the project,
including the preparation of a monitoring manual and the training of
key staff members of MBL in the monitoring procedures in accordance
with the CDM guidelines;
☛ Support during the annual third-party verification, including
communications with the verifier and a site-visit.
☛ Support during trading of Carbon Credits (CERs) thus created in the
international market.
a) Statutory approvals:
The client to ensure that; all and/or any statutory approvals related to the
setting up and functioning of the Solar Power Plant are in place in a timely
Any delays in getting the required approvals or because of any issues related to
these statutory approvals will be the responsibility of the client, and these delays
may impact the project schedule accordingly.
Tentative activity schedule is attached below. However, this is subject to
getting timely approvals (in Client’s scope of work) on Plant layouts, civil
drawings, Electricity board approvals, Power evacuation approvals, etc.
b) Project Implementation Strategy:
It is envisaged that the project will have the below mentioned phase of
activities. These phases are not mutually exclusive; to implement the project on
fast track basis some degree of overlapping is envisaged.
☛ Phase-I : Project Development
☛ Phase-II : Finalization of the Technology Provider and Supply Contract
☛ Phase-III : Procurement and Construction.
☛ Phase-IV : Plant Commissioning
Phase I – Project Development
In a power project, development of the project plays an important role. Almost
50% of the work is done if one achieves power purchase agreement from the
respective state utilities. The project development starts with visits to the
region, understanding about the regional conditions, socio economic
conditions, transportation facilities and infrastructure facilities available in the
Apart from the above, the below listed tasks will be under project
☛ Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) (2 weeks)
☛ Submission of DPR for state approval (complete)
☛ Power purchase agreement (PPA)/ E P C C o n t r a c t
☛ Procure Central Regulatory Authority clearance
☛ Procure Forest Clearance
☛ Procure Pollution Control board clearance.
☛ Procure Industries departmental clearance.
☛ Procure Irrigation department clearance.
☛ Land Identification & procurement (Responsibility of Client)
During this phase, a Project team will be formed for the execution of the
project. The responsibilities of the project team shall be:
Planning and programming of all the resources required for project completion
Inspection of major fabrication items
☛ Organize the construction and commissioning of the plant
☛ Monitoring and controlling the project progress
☛ Execute the project within the planned budget
Phase II – Finalization of the Technology Provider and Supply Contracts
In the power plant, modules and junction boxes are the lead items and the
planning schedule for the project implementation should provide adequate
time period for the procurement and installation of these equipments. The
specifications for major equipment shall be drawn up at an early stage of the
project. Program of design information, from the equipment suppliers, that
satisfies the overall project schedule shall be drawn up. Since, the project
execution calls for closer coordination among the contractors, consultants and
the company, proper contract co-ordination and monitoring procedures shall
be made to plan and monitor the project progress.
Phase III – Procurement and Construction
The Procurement is an important function of the implementation of the project.
Once the purchase order is placed, the project team follows up regularly to
ensure smooth and timely execution of the contract and for obtaining
technical information for the inter package engineering. The procurement
activity includes review of drawings, expediting, stage and final pre delivery
inspection, supervision of installation and commissioning.
During Construction, the erection and commissioning phase of all the contracts
proceed simultaneously. Adequate power and water shall be made available
for the construction. Construction manager (Project Coordinator) takes the
overall responsibility of the site.
Phase IV- Erection and Commissioning Phase
The commissioning phase in a project is one where design, manufacturing,
erection and quality assurance expertise are put to test. The commissioning
team will be from manufacturer of the equipment, consultant and the
company. Staff identified to operate the plant will also be involved in the
commissioning phase of the project itself.
When construction phase is complete, the check list to be designed to ensure
that the plant has been properly installed with appropriate safety measures.
The commissioning team will follow the internal operating instructions. The plant
shall be subjected to a performance test.
c) Timeline for Clean Development Mechanism
Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has a huge gestation period and
Powerwin CDM team start working on it after client gets state approval for
Detailed Project Report. It will take 12-18 months to complete the whole CDM
registration process.
Scope of Work | Estimated Completion Period |
Preparation of Initial Assessment report development | 4-6 weeks from signing of a CDM agreement |
Preparation of PIN & receive any Outstanding information | 1-2 weeks following |
Preparation of CDM, PDDs & organization of an on-site stakeholder consultant | 4-6 weeks following |
Host country approval process | 4-6 weeks following |
Validation & Registration process | 30-40 weeks following |